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Here’s your chance to meet a Hogwarts Professor at the wizarding world of… Burghley!

Ever wanted to meet a real-life Hogwarts Professor? Or how about Griphook the Goblin?

Well, now you can, thanks to a blockbuster of a film festival when Burghley House in Srtamford provides the backdrop for one of the UK’s top outdoor cinemas this summer.

For one day and night only, England’s greatest Elizabethan house will transform into a wizarding world of Potter mania – not only showing four of the movies, but also offering a chance for fans to have a chat with one of the stars.

Launching July’s Burghley Film Festival are two double bills from the Harry Potter series – and for the daytime screenings, actor Warwick Davis, who played not one but two characters in the movies, will be holding an exclusive Q&A with fans.

Burghley’s picturesque South Gardens, overlooking parkland designed by Capability Brown, will turn into a fantasy world of wizards on Wednesday July 27 for a whole day of Harry Potter.

Five days and nights of fabulous films begins with a daytime double bill of The Philospher’s Stone and Prisoner of Azkaban while the separate evening screening features The Deathly Hallows Part 1 and Part 2.

Local actor Warwick Davis – best known for not only his Harry Potter roles as Professor Filius Flitwick and Griphook the Goblin, but also Star Wars, and TV shows – will be at Burghley for a special Q&A session between 10.30am and 11am on July 27.

Taking place in front of the House in the South Gardens, the Q&A will give filmgoers a chance to ask Warwick questions about the Harry Potter movies and his other work and will be beamed live on to the Big Screen, so everyone in the crowd will be able to see and hear. The actor’s The Signature Shop Ltd will also set up stall on the day, selling unique collectables, including authentic Harry Potter autographs.


The 2016 Burghley Film Festival features some of the biggest hits of the last year, including a nightime screening of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, along with daytime sessions of children’s favourites and Disney classics, such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and Peter Pan.

Early bird tickets are available until July 26 at £12 adults and £7 children. During the Festival itself tickets will cost £14 and £8. Parking is free.

Daytime tickets will give access to both screenings during the day, and evening tickets will give access to both evening screenings. For full list of all the movies, prices and to book online tickets, visit or telephone 01780 752451.

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