Are you ready to follow the Bear?
You can’t beat the annual Straw Bear Festival in Whittlesey for brightening up a January weekend.
Get those Christmas hat and scarf sets out, wrap up and head to town. The streets will be packed, the pubs will be heaving and despite the chill Whittlesey will be in party mood.

The traditional Straw Bear Festival may have its roots in times past but modern day crowds just love the chance to blow away the festive cobwebs and it’s always a busy one.

Follow the bear as it processes around the town centre from 10.30am – 3.30pm enjoying a tipple on the way.
There’ll be the most bizarre looking dance groups entertaining you throughout the day, story telling sessions, poetry, food stalls and music.
If you’ve never been before we can tell you there’s a great atmosphere and expect the unexpected!

A concert kicks things off on Friday January 18 at the Ivy Leaf Club with tickets £10 and music from Jack Rutter, Ursula Holden Gill and Keith Donnelly. The big event is on Saturday January 19 throughout the town ending with a barn dance at the Sir Harry Smith Community College (tickets £12) with music from the banter ceilidh band. Finally round things off on the Sunday at 12 noon at the college for the bear burning.
The main event is free but for tickets to the concert and dance and for all you need to know head to
Photos: Chris Brudenell