All performances and events scheduled for the next four weeks have been cancelled at the New Theatre Peterborough.
In a statement issued today the theatre has announced that following the Government advice recommending that the public avoid all non-essential social gatherings, they have ‘taken the difficult decision’.
The venue, including the box office, will be closed entirely for at least the next 14 days and will be reviewed on an ongoing basis to take account of updated Government advice, as and when it is announced.
The New Theatre’s statement says – ‘We realise that this will cause significant disruption, but the wellbeing of our customers, staff and communities must be our priority.
‘We appreciate that many of our customers will have questions about bookings and refunds. We would ask that you please bear with us whilst we re-schedule performances where possible.’
You’re being asked not visit the box office or call to ask about rescheduling or ticket refunds, but await contact from their team and they will be in touch with all ticket holders as soon as possible.