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We all need a laugh right? Well soon you can enjoy a giggle again at The Cresset as their long running Comedy Club returns socially distanced style.

The last Cresset Comedy Club was held back in February but after keeping us amused for over 20 years of course the club was paused because of the pandemic

Now it’s set to return this October, with some adjustments to fit with the current guidelines of course!

The first socially distanced Comedy Club takes place on Saturday October 17, and will allow comedy lovers to book a table in groups of up to 6 people, with all tables socially distanced from each other, and full table service for drinks before and during the show.

At least three live comics will perform, and The Cresset are once again working with Off The Kerb, one of the country’s biggest comedy promoters who said:

“Off The Kerb productions is proud to bring some of the brightest and best talent on the comedy circuit to The Cresset as part of their season of socially distanced events. With over 35 years experience we pride ourselves on finding the best new comedians and some very funny household names. In these current times we really do need a laugh.”

A few weeks ago The Cresset also announced another socially distanced event; An Evening with Kevin & Joanne Clifton on November 14, and it would seem there is more to come!

Penny Hansen, Head of Commercial Activities said:

“We’re delighted to be able to host these events. Our Comedy Club has had such strong support from our audiences for so many years that it was important to us to try and bring it back. By moving to the main auditorium we can socially distance easily and people can enjoy a good night out safely.

“We’ve got other events in the pipeline too, and we know people are keen to know about our plans for Christmas so watch this space!”

Tickets for the Comedy Club are now on sale.

All ticket information and details on how Socially Distanced events will work is available at

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