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The runners have been training hard for months; the fun runners are squeezing into their super hero outfits and now it’s time for… crowd power!

Yes folks we need you to grab your banners, hand out your jelly babies and cheer on the thousands of runners who’ll be pounding along your streets in the Perkins Great Eastern Run.

You’ll probably already know someone among the 4,000+ runners in this year’s event on Sunday October 13 and they may be running for charity, fitness or their own personal challenge but whatever their reasons there’s no denying support from crowds along the route will definitely spur them on.

ESP reporter Mikey Clarke is running in aid of Arthritis Research UK and our Face of ESP Simona has been cheering him on in training.

“I have run the Great Eastern Run a couple of times in the past and I can honestly say that without the support of people around the city (holding banners, cheering, etc) I may not have reached the finish line,” says Mikey.

“I’ve spoken to many runners who’ve said the same. So please, as this year’s run has record numbers running, let’s try and get a record number of spectators. Cheer louder, make those banners bigger, and let’s really make this a year to remember!”

One of the things that put the ‘great’ into this run is that it takes place right in the heart of our city, so you’ll get a great view in Cathedral Square, but also past many of our houses so everyone can feel a part of it.


This year spectators are being encouraged to send in their photos of how they’ve celebrated the race so tweet yours on @PerkinsGER or email them through to

The run starts and finishes on the Embankment and there’ll be a real carnival atmosphere there with plenty of entertainment to keep you amused until the runners reach the finish line.

It’s always a fantastic atmosphere and ESP will be there to capture the atmosphere so see you there for the start of the fun run at 10am and the half marathon at 10.30am.

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