Anchorman fans have been waiting nine years for a sequel. It’s finally here and let me reassure you by saying, “yes… the follow up to one of the most quoted films of all-time IS a big deal.”
I’m sure those laughing hysterically in the screening I attended would agree that this is the comedy of the year.
Don’t get me wrong, this is not a film for everyone. If the humour of the original simply wasn’t for you, then this movie may not be either.
Picking up in the 1980’s, the story sees Ron Burgundy (Will Ferrell) and his cronies (Steve Carell, Paul Rudd, and David Koechner) joining a 24 hour news network in New York. Unfortunately they’re on the graveyard shift while the handsome Jack Lime (James Marsden) takes care of the primetime hours. Ron’s determination to take that slot starts a rivalry similar to the one we saw between him and Veronica Corningstone (Christina Applegate) in the original.
Speaking of Veronica, the mother of Ron’s child (Yes, you heard me right) is now the star of a rival news channel.
Has Ron and the gang got what it takes to beat the ratings of Jack and Veronica – therefore making them the best once again? You’ll have to head to the Showcase Cinema to find out.
It was particularly nice to see Brick play a much bigger part this time around. His very own subplot sees him falling in love with a woman named Chani (Kristen Wiig), who is just as ‘intelligent’ as he is. Their scenes together are (as expected) hilarious and at times surprisingly romantic.
What doesn’t work here is the overuse of improvisation. Almost every lead actor in Anchorman 2 is naturally funny, but some are clearly funnier than others. The cast being given a free hand to improvise works great with some, but falls flat with others.
I must also admit that Anchorman 2 is too long, but that’s OK – I’d rather see two hours of Ron Burgundy than any other character brought to our screens this year.
Overall, although the jokes don’t always work, when they do, they are hilarious. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen an audience respond so well to a film.
Catch Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues (and much more) now at Showcase, Peterborough. For show times visit and follow them on Twitter.
Mikey Clarke
Genre: Comedy
Cast: Will Ferrell, Steve Carell, Paul Rudd, David Koechner, Christina Applegate, Fred Willard, Kristen Wiig and the best group of cameos to ever grace our screens
Running Time: 119 mins
Director: Adam McKay
See it if you liked: Talladega Nights and Step Brothers
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