A roadshow to inspire children and families to get active will be in Peterborough city centre on Saturday August 10.
The Change4Life campaign is led by Peterborough City Council’s Public Health team and encourages families to eat healthy food and to take part in physical activity.
The roadshow, which will be located on St John’s Square and run between 10am and 4pm, will include a fun cycle, handball and rowing challenges, healthy eating demonstrations and tips, and games for children and the whole family. Those taking part will be encouraged to sign up for the Change4Life campaign and receive a free plan to stay active over the summer holidays – anyone registering will also get a free goody bag.
Children aged five to 16 need to do at least an hour of physical activity that gets their heart beating faster than usual every day so they burn off calories and prevent them storing up excess fat. And activity is not just important for young people – adults should be active for at least 150 minutes every week.
On Saturday, the Public Health team will also be at the Peterborough Arts Festival in Central Park encouraging more people to take part in exercise, eat a healthy diet and to stop smoking, alongside the SaferPeterborough Partnership’s ‘Face the People’ stand.
Change4Life activities are also planned at all city children’s centres across the summer as well as at the Picnic in the Park at Central Park on Friday August 30 between 11am and 3pm.
Councillor Irene Walsh, Cabinet Member for Community Cohesion, Safety and Public Health, said: “It can be all too easy to let children spend a bit too much time on the sofa over the summer, and whilst it’s great to relax after a long school year, it’s also vitally important they get up and about.
“Summer is a great time for the whole family to get active and there is lots to take part in across the city during the school holidays.”
Change4Life online is also full of great ideas, tools, tips and free online activity plans to help families get up and about this summer – visit www.nhs.uk/change4life/