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Can you spare some time to volunteer as one of Santa’s elves at Serpentine Green shopping centre?

Santa needs some support directing youngsters to his grotto and handing out presents. This year they’re raising funds for the charity RNIB and they need to fill a few slots for elves to help out.

They’ll provide all the costumes and kit, they just need you to give up a little time on whatever days you can and you’ll be doing your bit towards helping them fundraise.


It’s all good fun and you’ll feel like you’ve done your bit for charity – and we reckon you’ll make it straight on to Santa’s ‘nice’ list!

It’s dead easy – all you have to do is take the payment for the visits and organise entry to the grotto, take the age of the youngsters and help Santa in finding a suitable gift for the child. At quiet times a bit of smiling, waving and rattling of collecting tins is all that’s required!

If you want to know more and think you could help them out, please call Emma Long at RNIB on 01733 375244 or 07908 574729 or email Emma on

Photos: Emma Bothamley for ESP Magazine


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