We all love our pets and think ours are the best but the top ten entrants in our competition have been chosen and now it’s time to vote for a winner…
We’ve teamed up with Brotherhood Retail Park to find the prettiest pet in Peterborough!
We’ve been inundated with some wonderful entries and after much deliberation we’ve selected the 10 finalists and here they are…
Keith (cat) / Sue Mears
Maggie (horse) / Emma Pearce
Lolly (dog) / Jemma Green
Jazz (dog) / Kimberley Anderson
Madam (bird)/ Yvonne Boyer
Pippin / Emily Butterwick
Tess and Rosie (dogs)/ Olivia Fasulo-Jakings
Shelley (tortoise) / Nikki Turner
Blousey (kitten)/ Paige Finley
Maya (dog) / Mikey McLoughlin
Now it’s time to choose and it’s over to you folks to cast your votes…
You can vote either by facebook or twitter at Brotherhood Shopping Park or through the What’s Happening section of the Brotherhood Shopping Park website www.brotherhoodshopping.co.uk.
Voting is now open and closes at noon on May 15, 2015.
The winner will be announced in June’s edition of ESP Magazine which is out on May 27 and also online at www.brotherhoodshopping.co.uk
The winner will win the following prizes:
Dan Waters Creative – Value £200, free photographic session and framed wall portrait of your pet (15×10) www.Danwaterscreative.com
PoshPets Peterborough – £20 voucher on natural food and accessories and a free dog groom to the value of £30 with their in-house Eastfalla Grooming Company www.peterboroughposhpets.co.uk
Stay Over Rover – Gorgeous pet travel bag with goodies worth £150 www.stayoverrover.co.uk
The Company of Animals – Hamper of goodies worth £30 www.companyofanimals.co.uk
Natural Instinct Food Company – Gift voucher to spend in store www.naturalinstinct.com
Full terms and conditions for this competition are available on the Brotherhood Shopping Park website.